Category Service
I. Public API
1. Search Categories
Method: GET
API endpoint:
Permission: All users
Query Params:
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
| string | N | Filter by title |
| string | N | Filter by slug |
2. Get category details
Method: GET
API endpoint:
Permission: All users
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
id | string | Y | Id / slug of the category |
II. Admin API
1. Search Categories
Method: GET
API endpoint:
Permission: Admin
{ Authorization: accessToken }
Query Params:
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
| string | N | Filter by name |
| string | N | Filter by slug |
| string | N | Filter by status |
2. Get category details
Method: GET
API endpoint:
Permission: Admin
{ Authorization: accessToken }
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
| string | Y | Id / slug of the category |
3. Upload a poster file
3.1 Sign upload poster URL
Method: POST
API endpoint
Permission: Admin
{ Authorization: accessToken }
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
filename | string | N | Name of the file |
3.2 Upload file via upload URL (Check file service document)
3.3 Get uploaded file information
Method: GET
API endpoint
Permission: Admin
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
| string | Y | Id of the file |
{ Authorization: accessToken }
4. Create a category
Method: POST
API endpoint:
Permission: Admin
{ Authorization: accessToken }
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
| string | Y | title of category |
| string | N | slug of category |
| string | N | description of category |
| string | Y | SEO title |
| string | Y | SEO keyword |
| string | Y | SEO description |
| string | N | Default: enum: |
| number | N | order is displayed |
| string | N | Default: enum: |
| string | N | Poster file ID, Uploaded via file service ( |
5. Update a category
Method: PUT
API endpoint:
Permission: Admin
{ Authorization: accessToken }
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
| string | Y | Id of the category |
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
| string | Y | title of category |
| string | N | slug of category |
| string | N | description of category |
| string | Y | SEO title |
| string | Y | SEO keyword |
| string | Y | SEO description |
| string | N | Default: enum: |
| number | N | order is displayed |
| string | N | Default: enum: |
| string | N | Poster file ID, Uploaded via file service |
6. Delete a category
Method: DELETE
API endpoint:
Permission: Admin
{ Authorization: accessToken }
Field name | Data type | Mandatory | Description |
| string | Y | Id of the category |