Login CCBill
Create sub account
Select accounts > sub account admin menu
Click click sub account in left menu
Fill wizard form then click next
Fill all needed info. If have approval url, we can enter any url. And update it later
In step 2, there are 2 sub account type: Single payment and recurring (subscription). Make sure you select the type correctly
In step 3, the price list you can enter price such as: 9.99 as initial and 9.99 for recurring. We can change or handle this price in the application once Dynamic pricing is enabled.
Ignore FTP option, click next and finish form
Create flexform
Select All under sub account dropdown
Click flexform system in the menu then click add new
Enter form content, and enable dynamic price
Click save, then we will have a form like this
Copy flex form ID
Setup webhook
Click webhook in the sub account menu settings
Enter webhook URL with your provider service
Enable needed webhook events. In our platforms, almost just need to enable success event NewSaleSuccess, RenewalSuccess, UserReactivation|
Submit webhook
Click Advanced menu, then remove (delete) Approval Post URL if have. Avoid multiple webhooks to server.
In Basic menu, modify approval url to success page in your website if needed (check with developer for this)
Approval URL: redirect link to your website after purchased successfully
Cancel URL: Redirect link after user cancelled or purchased unsuccessfully
Salt key and dynamic option
Click live chat button in the top/right corner
And ask CCBill supporter to enable your Flexform, sub account, and provide salt key
Go to admin panel and fill related information in the Settings menu (if have), or provide info to developer.
Check the docs https://kb.ccbill.com/How+do+I+set+up+a+user+to+process+test+transactions
Add your email to test transaction
Use test card for testing
Remember that
Your flexform is in the sandbox mode
You enters email above to Email field
Use test credit card with CVV > 300