Technical Knowledge Base - xStreamer
General Questions
1. How to configure email
xStreamer provides 2 sections in the Admin settings for email
Email tab
Admin email: Email address for who will receive notification from system and contact form
Sender email: Email address for who will send the email in system
SMTP tab
Host: enter SMTP host eg
Port: SMTP port eg 465
Auth user: SMTP username
Auth password: SMTP password
Secure option: Enable if use port 465
You can use format “your name” <email-address> to admin email and sender email. Eg
Admin email: “xStreamer Admin” <>
Sender email: “xStreamer Support“ <
xStreamer provides SMTP method for email only, almost services provide SMTP config, please check with your service and common list in our document.
2. How to add Google analytics code
Go to Admin panel > Settings > System settings > Google Analytics and enter your GA code.
Note: GA code usually is formatted with G-xxxxxxxxxx
3. How to add custom script
Go to Admin panel > Settings > System settings > SEO > Custom. There are 2 section you can enter your custom script
Custom header script: website will render this content in the <head> tag
Custom body script: website will render this content before </body> tag
You can enter your GA script to one of these sections
Make sure you entered valid HTML or Javascript script. Otherwise it might break the system
4. How to update or change style
You can change that from Admin > Settings > CSS.
5. How to setup xStreamer payment gateway
xStreamer supports CCBill payment gateway.
a. CCBill
Go to Admin > Settings > System settings > CCbill and enter CCBill information in the form
CCBill webhook URL: https://[xStreamer-v2-api-domain]/payment/ccbill/callhook (eg
Approval URL: redirect link to your website after purchased successfully. You can enter https://[xStreamer-front-office-domain]/payment/success (eg
Cancel URL: Redirect link after user cancelled or purchased unsuccessfully. You can enter https://[xstreamer-front-office-domain] (eg
Check for CCBill setup here
In CCBill we need 2 sub accounts. one for recurring payment and one for single payment
You have to select correct payment type for that sub account when creating.
b. Other Payment Gateways
Please contact us for custom requirements.
6. How to add footer menu
Go to Admin panel > FE Menu. Here you can see the list and create or update existing menu.
xStreamer provides only option to change footer menu for now
From system page: FE will reload custom script file if it is system url. if enable you can select list of static pages too
Is new tab: open link in a new tab once clicking on
Title: menu text
Path: link to the page (you can enter full url here if it is not system page)
Section: where we will show the menu
Ordering: enter sort number of menu item in the list
7. SMTP common list and setup
Port: 465 / 587
Auth user: the string apikey. This setting is the exact string "apikey" and not the API key itself.
Auth password: your Sendgrid API key eg: SG.xxxxx
Sender email in Email tab must valid with domain you verified in Sendgrid dashboard.
Have to verify sender domain in sendgrid dashboard before using
More details about Sendgrid SMTP, please read here.
Port: 465 / 587
Auth user: your full email address eg:
Auth password: your Gmail password
Sender email in Email tab must be same your gmail address.
Please enable less secure option here.
M3 service
Host: m3 host url eg
Port: 587
Auth user: email username account or M3 FTP master account
Auth password: your email password or M3 FTP master password
Go to M3 control panel and register your email address, then fill to SMTP form
For Linode user, SMTP restrictions are in place by default for Linodes on accounts created after November 5th 2019. You'll need to configure rDNS for your instance and open a Support ticket confirming CAN-SPAM compliance, and Support should lift the restrictions pretty quickly. Check here for more details
8. Banners and Logo sizes:
Logo: 362 x 63 (4:1)
Favicon: 75 x 75 (1:1)
Signup Placeholder: 600 x 600
Home page banner : 1600 x 400 pixels
Footer banner : 300 x 300 pixels
Video Detail Page banner : 300 x 300 pixels
Under Trending banner : 1500 x 300 pixels
Under New Video banner : 1500 x 300 pixels
Under Video Player banner : 1500 x 300 pixels