xTalk Release notes

xTalk Release notes

V 1.0 - July 2024


Tech Enhancements

  • Updated NodeJS LTS version to v16.x

  • Updated Mongo DB Version to v4.2

  • Updated Redis server to v5.x

  • Updated NextJS to v13.0.5


What’s new?

  1. Model cards: Model cards can now be flipped to see profile picture on one side and when flipped, users will find options to easily interact with the model.

  2. Footer contents in Mobile: Footer contents are now made available for the users accessing the site from the mobile devices too.

  3. Call Termination: Model will now have an option to terminate the call, even before accepting; Regardless of rejection party, When someone rejects the call, system will now notify that the model has rejected your call and vice versa for users, so that they are aware of what’s happening.

  4. Video player - fit to screen: Enhanced the video player to show videos to the middle of the screen/ frame according to device’s ratio.

  5. Blocklist: Models now got the option to blocklist annoying users and later they can unblock the user from “Block listed users” Page.

  6. Pixel Recommendations: Added pixel recommendations to make the best fit when uploading the profile picture.

What’s Changed ?

Icons: Updated the icons all over the site for calling features to provide best User Interface for end users.


  1. Auto collapsing Side menu: Added functionality to auto collapse the side menu, when other menu is opened, to provide a fine touch when working on it.

  2. Google Tag Manager: With the Google Tag manager Integrated, admin can now get to know more stats about their website.

  3. Sorted Call logs: Recent call logs will now be showing up in the top to reach the latest call history.

  4. Statistics functionality: Admin’s dashboard page has got added additional feature, linked to respective statistics page when clicked.

  5. Email Templates: Site owner can now decide the template on how the emails are being sent out from their platform.

  6. Contact form: Admin can now add their contact details to reach out incase of immediate action required and the Description field in contact us page is now made mandatory, so that admin can get to know their concern and resolve it for better experience and customer satisfaction.

  7. Pixel Recommendations: Added pixel recommendations to assist uploading the site branding elements from settings

  8. Email verification Toggle: The Email verification toggle is split up between Users and Models to enable/ disable 2 - Factor authentication during signup process.

  9. Age Disclaimer Popup: With the option to select a post to be updated for age disclaimer popup, admin can now change the content to be displayed in the popup anytime

  10. Low balance Alert: Added functionality to setup minimum tokens to notify user when their wallet balance is running low as of the value set.

What’s fixed ?

  1. User’s with low wallet balance can’t make a call and will be instructed to topup their wallet credits

  2. Call initiation between user and model is now in flow, without any issues.

  3. Minor text changes all over the platform

  4. Double clicking call receive button is fixed

  5. Getting an error message when removing a profile picture uploaded for processing is now fixed.

  6. We’ve fixed the sort by filters in token history page, and users can now seamlessly get to know their spends

  7. Error when a model is accepting the call is now fixed

  8. OTP validation in account deactivation is now fixed and deactivation flow goes smoother, ensuring user’s preferences to step out of the platform.

  9. Incorrect details shown in Earnings and Tokens History page is now fixed

  10. Pagination is fixed in All models page when user browses the models of the platform

  11. Call notification ringtone is fixed to play when a user is calling a model

  12. Inconsistent tokens received/ spent from user and model end is now fixed.

What’s improved?

  1. Timestap’s visibility in the Notification Centre is improvised.

  2. Optimised Model search filters

  3. Password validation is now made even all over the site

  4. New notification from the deleted conversation will now be shown to models.

  5. Deactivated profiles can now be searched from existing user’s list to easily reactivate anytime.

  6. Clicking on Logo in the admin panel will now be redirected to the dashboard page.


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