Release Notes - xModel

Release Notes - xModel

Release Notes - v 3.2.0

 The newest release of xModel comes with some highly useful features and minor fixes.

What’s new?

  1. Back camera streaming - Admin can now do live streaming enabling their back camera

  2. Search Payment history with Keywords - with the optimised search filter, admins can search with any description to get the desired result from the payment history page.

  3. Transaction confirmation Popup - Users will receive a popup notification, upon making a PPV Purchase

What’s fixed?

  1. Live streaming layout has been fixed on both mobile and web layouts.

  2. Logo, Signup placeholder, Favicon updates will now be saved perfect.

  3. We’ve fixed the CSS for gallery images

  4. Live streaming pausing and resuming flow is made smoother, to have better experience.




  1. We’ve added up a consent checkbox, to confirm the user signing up to the site agrees to the website’s terms and conditions

  2. Updated Google Analytics to make the integration up to date and by this, admins can get more info about their traffic

  3. Amazon S3 is updated so that videos uploaded will be saved to cloud storage, thus reducing the burden on your server.

  4. Text changes all over the platform

  5. Users will now receive API responses for successful signup

  6. SEO is now optimised to show the hyperlinked contents for

  • All Models Page

  • All Videos

  • All Products

  • All Gallery

  • Footer pages

Release Notes - v 3.0.1

 The newest release of xModel comes with some highly useful features and minor fixes.

What’s new?

  1. Using tokens to purchase PPV content: Apart from tipping, tokens can now be used to buy premium content on the site. This creates a hassle-free experience for users due to lower transaction times and 0% failure rate. In turn, this increases revenue for the site because of the same reasons. 

Note: Tokens can be used for purchasing premium content, like PPV videos and for tipping. Currently, tokens cannot be used for membership subscriptions or for purchasing store items, both physical or digital. 

2. Filter token earnings by user: Admin can now filter and view the log as well as total token earnings from each user. 

What’s fixed?

  1. Speech balloon alignment: Speech balloons in the chat window during live stream were aligned on the same side for both users and the model. Now model speech balloons will be aligned on one side and speech balloons from all users on the other side. 

  2. Searching for renamed videos: If admin renames a video on the backend, users were unable to find the same using the video search box. It has been fixed.

  3. Admin panel broken breadcrumb: Some breadcrumbs in the admin panel returned a 404. This has been taken care of. 

  4. Recent/Upcoming videos: Videos that have been changed from recent to upcoming or vice versa from the backend, were not showing up on the website. Now this is rectified so that recent or upcoming videos will show up accordingly and won’t be hidden. 

  5. Bulk upload issue: With the bulk upload feature, when uploading or dragging videos one-by-one instead of together, the initially uploaded video/videos were getting replaced instead of adding to them. This is now corrected. 

Design, UI and UX Improvements- 

  1. Model bio expand/collapse button: The bio under the model profiles now have an expand/collapse button to keep the profile page length under check in case of longer bios.

The little things...

  1. Model age cannot be set to be less than 18 in the model profile.

  2. The stray error message seen when updating model cover has been removed.

  3. In the admin panel, renamed the inactive the token package status from “Inactived” to “Inactive”.

Release Note - v 3.0.0 

The v3.0.0 of xModel comes with a choke-full of bug fixes around several functionalities, as well as a series of UI and design improvements that significantly improve the user experience.

What’s new?

  1. Bulk upload photos: Save time while uploading photos to a gallery.  

What’s fixed?

  1. Disappearing tipping messages from chat: Messages regarding user tips used to disappear from stream chat upon page refresh. This is rectified so that tipping messages stay in chat even after page refresh, just the chat messages do.

  2. Pulsating live stream notification: When the model starts streaming, the “Live” symbol next to the Stream button appears only after a page refresh. After the fix, users will be notified with the pulsating “Live” text even when the page wasn’t refreshed.

  3. Incorrect coupon expiry: Coupons were getting expired upon creation. This is rectified so that a coupon will expire only at the end of its set expiration.

  4. Streaming error when paused/resumed: Model previously faced error while pausing and resuming a stream. This won’t be a problem anymore.

  5. Ghost items in cart: Some items would always remain in the cart even when emptied by purchasing the items or removing them from the cart. These supernatural occurrences have been contained.

  6. Stream joining confirmation box: The confirmation popup that displays up when user clicks on Stream was only showing up momentarily before disappearing again. This has been made to stay put until user confirmation or closure using the options on this popup.

  7. Tipping during streams: The tipping during stream functionality was broken. This has been UNbroken now.

  8. User wishlist limit: The user wishlist could only show 10 items. This has been rectified to show as many as wishlisted.

  9. Favorite videos limit: Only two videos were shown under a user’s favorites list. This has been fixed to accommodate all the videos favorited by the user.

  10. Admin panel turning white: When in dark mode, admin panel goes white briefly on page refresh. Fixed to remain the same chosen color on refresh.

Design, UI and UX Improvements- 

  1. Calendar events navigation for mobile UI: For mobile users, the UI has been improved so that the event navigation options, like Passed/Ongoing/Upcoming can be seen at the top of the event list.

  2. Viewing filtered order dates for mobile UI: When filtering dates in the orders page, mobile users could only see the year, as opposed to the complete date. Fixed now. 

  3. Add to cart text alignment: The “Add to cart” text was appearing in the second row within its button. This is corrected for alignment.

  4. Miniscule chat text box: When accessing the chest of smileys, the text box would reduce to the size of a morsel. This won’t happen anymore.

  5. User list background: The list of users in the live stream accessible in the tab next to the chat window has been color-matched with its background.

  6. Homepage in mobile: The homepage was not contained horizontally for the mobile screen. Corrected now.

  7. Search box in mobile view: The search box for mobile users that was a little cropped up has been repositioned for easier access.

  8. Missing token count: Users could not see pending token in mobile UI. This is now taken care of.

  9. Sorting options for user and admin dashboard: Both user and admin can now sort different columns in the Orders, Token transactions, and Payment history dashboards.

  10. Text box inner rectangle: Cleaned up the inner rectangle showing up while editing a text field.

  11. Model profile page transitions: User transition between different pages within a model profile, like between gallery and videos, has been corrected to avoid the flicker.

  12. CTA button sizes: Changed styling of the CTA buttons for “sign up” and “discovering more models” appearing at the bottom of the homepage to improve visibility.

  13. User profile settings pane: Cleaned up the UI to remove the stray pink elements at the start of all options. 

The little things...

  1. Rephrasings:

    1. The error message seen when attempting to tip without inputting token amount has been rephrased for clarity.

    2. The prompt received when a login is attempted for an inactive account has been rephrased for grammar.

    3. Confirmation message seen when user submits the admin contact form changed for grammar.

    4. Membership expiration message seen on User settings side pane rephrased for grammar.

  2. When creating an account using an email that’s already taken, although the “Email is already taken” prompt was displayed, there was another message about verification email being sent to the email. This confusing message has now been removed for such cases.

  3. A column rephrased in the Coupon page under the admin panel for grammar.

  4. Validation added for the phone number entered while placing order so only numerical characters are allowed. Adding alphabetic or alphanumeric characters in the phone number will give an error message.

  5. The “Go Live” button has been tweaked visually to stand out better.

  6. Removed tooltips for page navigation buttons, as it was redundant and wasn’t conveying any extra information.

  7. The “Language” detail that was missing in the model profile when accessing on some of the mobile browsers has been fixed.

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